Review – DroneUp – So Much More Than A Place for Pilots to Make Money
November 7, 2018It’s been a while since I’ve posted on a topic in the Make Money category. DroneUp is a great resource but it’s so much more than a place for pilots to make money. From offering training, volunteering for search and rescue missions to matching pilots with missions to meet the client needs, DroneUp has you covered. I wanted to provide you with an overview and review of DroneUp. Please keep reading to see how DroneUp might be a good fit for you.
I’ve referenced DroneUp’s free FAA Part 107 Prep Course and Practice Exam in my Get the FAA Done License – Make Money Legally with Your Mavic post but that’s only one reason to check them out. DroneUp really can be your go-to place when it comes to working in the drone community, both for hire as well as a volunteer. If you’re looking for qualified pilots for a job you have, check them out, as matching pilots to missions is their specialty.
Table of Contents
What is DroneUp All About?
Check out their mission and vision:
“DroneUp matches missions with small Unmanned Aerial System (sUAS) pilots and provides enterprising Unmanned Traffic Management (UTM). Our DroneUp Mission Match pilot management platform – locates, qualifies, and deploys single pilot or multi-pilot crews according to our client requirements. We deliver on-demand services to commercial, government, and public safety organizations and address critical airspace safety oversight to local, state and federal agencies through our UTM platform. DroneUp is committed to providing a comprehensive network of pilots while maintaining a steadfast commitment to safety and responsible operations.”
Their guiding principals speak a lot to me and are on par with my speaking points in my Community Interactions – Improving Perception of the Drone Community post:
“The future success of the unmanned systems industry is directly impacted by how professionally our community operates its vehicles and systems. The fear, uncertainty, and doubt that exists among government agencies and communities toward unmanned systems will gradually diminish only if we maintain the highest ethical and operational standards. Therefore:
- We will utilize our unmanned vehicles: (a) For profit ONLY when appropriate; (b) To assist our communities WHENEVER needed.
- Federal, state, local, and FAA regulations are not just guidance or suggestions, they are laws that govern our behavior.
We hold ourselves and others within our community to these standards.”
Here’s the role they play:
DroneUp is committed to helping the FAA improve sUAS flight safety through ever-evolving course materials, updated examinations, and safe training missions. We will educate ourselves and our pilots. We will always strive to ensure that our mission aligns with, and promotes, the desired outcomes of the FAA, public safety personnel, and the unmanned systems community.
We believe drone pilot organizations have an opportunity and perhaps even an obligation to regulate ourselves with policies, procedures, and certifications that support the FAA’s drone regulations. Through camaraderie and group accountability, we will continue to meet our commitments to our community and to other organizations we support.
Consulting and Commercial Services
Their tag line pretty much says it all:
“We are not drone people who know a little about business. We are business people who know a lot about drones.”
DroneUp really knows their stuff. Their team consists of seasoned business leaders with expertise in IT, aviation, marketing, digital transformation, law, defense, public safety and, of course, small unmanned aerial systems (sUAS/drones) operations. They work with consulting firms, businesses and government agencies to identify and develop effective drone strategies that promote positive and measurable outcomes.
DroneUp works and has experience in the several industries including the following:
- Insurance – Claims Adjustments, Risk Engineering and Fraud Reduction
- Real Estate – Maps, Surveys, Infrastructure and Mechanical Analysis
- Agriculture (I worked with them in this category recently and was pleasantly surprised with the simplicity of the missions and the monetary compensation. Check out the First-hand Experience section below.) – Soil and Field Analysis, Crop Monitoring, Irrigation and Health Assessment
Construction – Land Surveys, Site Security, Safety Inspections and Time-Lapsed Progressions
- Public Safety (This was my first experience with DroneUp. Check out the Public Safety section below.) – Incident Reconstruction, Damage Assessment, Search and Rescue and Security
- Inspection – Towers, Bridges, Powerlines and Roofs
They really do cover it all.
Public Safety
This area of DroneUp is the first one that I’ve had experience with. Before going into details of my experience let me tell you what their contribution to public safety is all about.
DroneUp provides unparalleled management of sUAS operators during critical and emergency response events. Combining geospatial technologies, task management, mission-specific communications, and airspace transparency, their command center can identify, notify, deploy instantly, and deconflict drone operators regardless of mission area size.
Utilizing dynamic geofencing, complex metadata filtering, and other data models, sUAS operators are assigned missions/tasks, provided with encrypted communication channels, and gather critical data for storage and analysis. The common operating environment streamlines airspace management and deconfliction. It also connects governments, corporations, and NGO’s with the necessary pilot pool during large-scale events requiring surge support from disparate organizations.
Powerful features include:
- Real-Time Location of All sUAS Operators
- Rapid Web-Based Mission Creation
- Selection of Operators by Roles, Assets, or Skills
- Instant Mission Notification to Operators
- Mission-Specific Encrypted Communications
- Multi-Agency Collaboration and Deconfliction
- Command & Control Dashboards
- Unlimited Number of Resources
I first signed up to be a pilot for DroneUp just because it was there and I wanted to offer my services should they be required. Not much happened after that for quite a while. I’d get the occasional e-mail talking about the latest news in the drone industry or new features in the app and so on but nothing too exciting.
Then, out of nowhere, a call for action was sent out to all pilots. Two people were missing and DroneUp was there to help find them. They already had the pilots that they needed but they needed more people to analyze the images and report back with any abnormalities to help narrow down search areas.
The whole experience was very well organized and professional. You could opt in or out and, once you opted in, you received your assigned image(s) to inspect. Communication was easy and DroneUp kept all of the pilots up to date with where things were in the search effort.
All in all I felt that DroneUp and, through my affiliation as a pilot that opted in to help, I really made a difference and allowed the search to be conducted in a professional manner much faster and more thorough than traditional methods would allow for. This experience really got me hooked to the whole DroneUp community. It was nice to actually use my skills (even if I wasn’t flying) to help others with no expectation of monetary compensation (a true volunteer moment).
As of this writing, DroneUp offers two free training courses on their website:
- Responsible Community Pilot – This one is aimed at the hobbyist user and will help you to become a responsible community pilot by teaching you to fly your drone safely and responsibly.
- Part 107 Prep Course and Practice Exam – This is the one I refer to in my Get the FAA Drone License – Make Money Legally With Your Mavic post and is well worth your time if you’re thinking of going for your FAA 107 certificate. this course will help you pass the 107 test.
They also offer two pay-for courses:
- UAS Night Operations – This course presents the physiological effects associated with night flying to better prepare you to be ready for night flight.
- UAS Public COA Application Process (CAPS) – The course is meant to provide a background understanding of the process that a public agency must go through to obtain a Certificate of Authorization (COA) or Waiver.
DroneUp really is about the community and making sure everyone has access to excellent and affordable training. Do yourself a favor and check them out, if not just for this one perk!
First-hand Experience
So you’ve already read about my first experience with DroneUp in the Public Safety section of this post. Now let me tell you about my first for-profit experience with them (as alluded to in the Consulting and Commercial Services section).
I was just sitting at home when, out of the blue, DroneUp contacted me with missions in my area. They told me there were a few missions about an hour away that they wanted to get done ASAP. I work from home and have a flexible schedule so this was not an issue for me. As usual, I’m always game for making money with my drone so I accepted the missions.
What I found really cool about DroneUp was how prepared they are when they have a mission for you. It’s pre-programmed. You literally download the mission and click go. Their rep stayed on the phone with me and explained it all as I went through the steps. For these missions they got the airspace clearance (notified the nearby air tower), and tried to obtain the insurance but their system hit a snag so I obtained it individually and they reimbursed me for it.
All I had to do was keep line-of-sight (LOS) and be ready to take control should something go wrong. These particular missions had several different elements to them from a few orthogonal runs over fields to some 360 panoramics from various angles.
I did run into one issue where I had to cancel a mission and restart it and that was my fault for not putting my tablet on airplane mode and I received a call on it during the mission. These missions would have taken less than half a day to complete if it weren’t for one small issue. I didn’t have enough batteries. I only had the fly more combo so that meant I was doing this with just three batteries. Because of this I probably added two to two and a half hours to this set of missions as I swapped batteries and placed the used ones on the charger for the next flight. I took the down time opportunity to grab lunch.
It should be noted that a 20 megapixel camera is preferred for such missions so don’t expect a Mavic Pro to cut it. There are exceptions to this, as was the case for me with my Mavic Pro, but, in general, the type of mission I ran expects a better camera.
The most surprising part of this was how much the missions were worth to me, the pilot. I won’t give you the dollar details but let’s just say it put me well on the way to getting a Phantom 4 Pro 2.0 and all for what should have been less than half a day’s work and much better than what I’ve come to expect from DroneBase. You can view my DroneBase – Make a Little Money on the Side post for more information.
All in all I have to say the experience was pleasant and I look forward partnering with DroneUp for future missions.
Well there you have it, my impression and review of DroneUp from various angles. It’s a great community offering not only pay-for services but training and opportunities to volunteer and help communities. Unlike many other platforms, they pay their pilots well and foster a sense of community.
If you’re looking to volunteer, offer your services or make some money, do yourself a favor and become a pilot for DroneUp. I think you’ll like it. At the very least, check out the website and see for yourself.
Don’t forget to grab their app for your phone or tablet:
Do you have experience with DroneUp? Do you know of other companies offering similar services? Did I not cover something you wanted to see? Comment below and let me know. I read and respond to each and every post.
Thank you,
Scott Hinkle
This is such a timely and welcome article! My son who’s 14 has been flying drones for years and he’s MAD GOOD. I told him he should prepare to test for being a professional flyer so that when he’s sixteen, he’ll not only have a job, he’ll have an AWESOME JOB!!
This referral to droneUp will definitely help us get him there. Thank you so much!!!
Happy to help. If you get the chance have him check out the following posts as well to help him get started:
Get the FAA Drone License – Make Money Legally with Your Mavic
DroneBase – Make a Little Money on the Side
There are many ways to make money with your drone. These are just a couple.
Thanks again!
This is really interesting. It makes sense that this is possible to make money with your drone. I didn’t see how much yu get paid for doing this. Can you tell us how much money a person could make with this, both part or full time?
What kind of drone does a person need for this?
Does the training cover everything a person needs to learn how to do this?
Is the drone community you talk about nationwide? My son in Washington state would be great at this and has a cool drone.
Thank you for this interesting and useful information.
I’m glad you liked the article. Let me address your questions one-at-a-time:
What kind of drone does a person need for this?
This one is subjective. It depends on many factors from pilot skill to jobs available in the area. Things to consider are:
Pilot Skill, work for others (i.e. services such as DroneBase, DroneUp, and insurane company, a power company or cellular operator, etc.) or start your own company (maybe offering drone services for realtors, etc.), available jobs in the area (my DroneBase source has pretty much dried up in my area), and so on. To give you an idea, I made over $800 for half a day’s work through DroneUp but I haven’t had another “gig” from them since so availability of work is a major factor.
Does the training cover everything a person needs to learn how to do this?
Their training is comprehensive but each offering is targeted to a single goal such as passing the FAA Part 107 test. That one will tell you what you need to know to get your certificate but it won’t tell you how to inspect roofs or towers or how to conduct crop surveys and so on.
Is the drone community you talk about nationwide?
When I say drone community I mean everyone with a drone or who is in some way associated with drones. This can be drone pilots, companies that employ drone pilots and so on. Yes, it’s not only nation wide but world wide as well.
I bet your son could find drone jobs in Washington. I wonder if the logging industry has a use (maybe for surveying). It’s something he could definitely check out.
Thanks for taking the time to reach out and ask your questions!
Wow, this looks like a very great and fantastic services you’re providing in the drone industry. I really like the fact that you mentioned that you’re regulated by FAA, Federal, State and even local laws. That means that you’re really serious and are doing a very legal business.
I like the idea that you’re very experienced in the industry, that shows that you really know what you’re doing. It looks like the services you provide are many and great, your courses also look very good for anyone interested in learning more about drones.
I will check up the website link you left down the post. But then my question is, if I want to participate in your training, do I have to an online registration and will the training be online. OR do i need to come to a particular training center to be able to benefit from your training?
I will be happy to hear from you,
Hello Stephen,
I just want to be clear. I’m not directly associated with DroneUp. I’m just a member. That said, everything you just said is correct, it’s just not me or my company.
As for your question, their training is currently online. You do need to register so you can log in and take the course as well as for your progress to be saved. I do not know if they will have in-person options down the line but I’m sure it’s something they will consider when they have more courses available.
Thanks for taking the time to comment!
I’m so stoked to see Drone Up really lift off. I don’t own drones personally but, I have a lot of pilot of friends, most but, not all of them are retired. I never found a company like this when I researched how to make money with your drone about 5 years ago.
I told my friends that at the very least they could offer voluntary public service. My friends just love to fly so it was a no-brainer. Since my initial research I connected them with several jobs here and there. I am super stoked to pass your article on to them.
I was always scared to fly other peoples really pricey drones. My long time desire to fly a helicopter, does not, a pilot make ha! The training provided is a huge plus! What a great way for new pilots or, old schoolers to work on new skills and hone the ones they already have.
Over the passed few years, from the raging wild fires in my neck of the woods to surveying huge orchards, drone work is increasing. I’m glad there is a company out there you can trust that also teaches ethics.
I may just get my wings someday after all…until then , I am spreading the word. Thank you for the excellent write up!
Thank you for such an awesome comment! Please do share this post with your friends. They also like the following:
DroneBase – Make a Little Money on the Side
Get the FAA Drone License – Make Money Legally with Your Mavic
I totally agree that having such a company for pilots to team up with is a great boon to the drone community. They are top-notch, professional and offer excellent training with opportunities to make money. What’s not to like?
Thanks again and, if you do get the inkling to get your own drone, stop back by and check out my reviews.
Never heard of DroneUp until today, reading your article, and, even though, I am not very proficient when it comes to drones I totally agree with the safety regulations when flying a drone.
My 17 years old grandson has a drone and I certainly will talk to him and send him your article so he can read for himself what is it a about and that he even can make money with it when he is properly licensed to fly a drone.
Very thoroughly written, thank you for sharing.
Hello Sylvia,
Thanks for commenting. Please do send your grandson to my site. I hope he finds one or more of my posts beneficial. I think it’s important to let other drone pilots know what’s out there for them. If he’s looking to make a buck, further his education or just volunteer his services, DroneUp is a great place to do so.
Thanks again,
Loved this article! DroneUp is a resource for pilots–who know how to fly drones, or would like to train to fly drones. DroneUp is for pilots and also for communities. Do you have someone in your family who flies or who has a drone? This is the article they should be reading for information on the many ways drones can be used . Pilots can also make money. But more than that, DroneUp is an organization that matches pilots with missions–from on-demand services to government, commercial, public safety and more. Seriously, this is an excellent article that explains exactly what DroneUp does for pilots and what DroneUp does for the community. Visuals are great! only one small suggestion: in several places DroneUp is spelled minus the “R”. Use the spell check to catch this.
Hello Barbara,
Thanks for the feedback. Thank you for pointing out my spelling mistake. I think my spell check changed them to DoneUp for some reason (I probably told it to LOL). I have fixed the errors.
I have to say, my first experience with DroneUp was as a volunteer, helping out with a search and rescue operation. That really made me feel good, to be contributing to the community like that.
If you know of anyone looking to volunteer, learn or make money using their drone, please have them check out DroneUp.
Thanks again for commenting and letting me know of my spelling issues,
Thanks for your articles regarding making money with drones. I currently work as a medium endurance uas operator overseas, and am very eager to get home and start building out my own drone services business in order to be able to stop leaving home for months at a time. Drone Base and DroneUp are now where I plan to start. Thanks again! I hope you continue to write articles like these, I find the information invaluable.
First off, thank you for taking the time to comment and let me know. DroneBase and DroneUp are great places to start but there are others as well. One thing you might want to consider is reaching out to other drone companies in your area or that operate in multiple areas to see if they could use a rep in your location.
What’s nice about DroneBase is that they have jobs more often than DroneUp does but, they have more pilots too so you have to grab them quickly. DroneUp tends to pay a lot more per job.
I do plan to keep writing articles for this site, I just happen to be on vacation in Alaska right now so I’m slacking just a bit.
Please let me know what you end up doing when you return.
Thanks again,