Submit a Guest Post

Submit a Guest Post

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Would you like to be featured on Do you have something drone related that you simply must share? Is there some new accessory that you simply must let everyone know about? Please consider submitting a guest post.



ContentDoes Need More Content?

Absolutely! We’re here to provide information on all things Mavic (and maybe a few things that are just done related in general). We can’t be expected to come up with it all on our own. The drone industry is an ever-changing, living entity. There’s bound to be something we miss.


HelpHow Can I Help?

There are several ways you can help us:

  • Write a guest blog – If you have a drone related topic you’d like to share with the world but don’t want to set up and maintain your own website, consider writing a guest blog for us.
  • Submit post ideas – If you’re not a writer but have ideas for topics to write about, let us know and we’ll see what we can do to turn that idea into a post on this site.
  • Keep us informed – Let us know of the things you see on other sites and in the news. We try to scour the web and keep on top of it but there might be times when we miss something.



Submit a Guest Post 1What Kind of Topics Are You Looking For?

Pretty much anything drone related. This can include, but is not limited to, the following:

  • Product Reviews – This can be drones, software, apps, accessories, etc.
  • Drone Related News – Do you know of any recent news regarding the drone industry or drones in general? Is there a local story in your area that may not get national or world-wide coverage but you think should be shared? Let us know!
  • Training/Tutorials – Do you have any training materials or tutorials you’d like to share? These can be anything drone related, from flight tips or camera settings to post-processing how-to’s, and so on.
  • Anything Else Drone Related – If you have something that doesn’t quite fit the list above, share it. We may have a spot for it here.

FameWhat’s in it for Me?

In a word, notoriety. Sadly, we’re not a big company (To be honest when I say we, I really mean me as this is a single person adventure. Just check out the author of the 50+ posts thus far.) with deep pockets so this isn’t a paying gig. That said, we’re more than happy to give credit where credit is due. If you tip us off to a new story, we’ll definitely say something like “John Smith brought this story to our attention…”. If you write a guest post your name and your website (if applicable) will be credited on that post. And, if you give us some ideas to write about, we’ll give you credit for bringing it to our attention.


Basically, I enjoy working this site. It makes me feel like I’m contributing to the drone industry and helping people out along the way. If you’d like to be a part of that, please reach out to us and let us know.

I don’t have a formal submission system yet so if you’d like to submit an article or idea for this site please feel free to e-mail it to You can also comment below as I do read and respond to each and every one. Don’t worry about grammar, layout or punctuation, we can take care of that.

With your help, will be a great resource for drone pilots and aspiring drone pilots for years to come!

Thank you,

Scott Hinkle

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  • Anthony Wildeno says:

    Dear Blog Owner,

    I am writing to introduce myself as a huge fan of drones and to express my interest in writing an article about drones for your blog.

    I have been following the drone industry for a while now, and I am constantly amazed by the innovations and advances that are being made in this field. From high-tech military drones to consumer drones that can capture stunning aerial photos and videos, the potential applications for drones are endless.

    I would love the opportunity to share my enthusiasm for drones with your audience and contribute to your blog with an informative and engaging article on this exciting technology.

    Thank you for considering my proposal. I look forward to hearing from you and discussing how I can contribute to your blog.

    • Scott Hinkle says:

      Hello there,
      I’m always open to quest posts. If you have an article you want to write, that’s drone-related, feel free to send me a draft and I’ll let you know.


  • Emma says:


    I am Emma from RNG Strategy Consulting. I was searching for articles and blogs on aviation and came across your impressive site.

    We have recently published a market analysis report on pilot training market which will further add value to your site as well.

    Do let me know if you are willing to collaborate on the same. We will send the blog on the same covering global market overview, trends, driving and restraining factors.

    Looking forward to your response.


    • Scott Hinkle says:

      Hello Emma,
      Can you clarify what you mean when you say “pilot”? Are these drone pilots or manned person aircraft pilots (i.e., passenger planes, helicopters, etc.)?

      If it’s drone-related, I can see a fit for, if it’s manned aircraft, it’s not really related to the site’s focus.

      Thank you,
      Scott Hinkle

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