Mavic Pro Sunshade – Worth It? – A Mini Post
March 28, 2018So you have your Mavic Pro and you’re just loving it. One annoyance, the reflective glare of objects all around you on your screen. The solution, a Mavic Pro Sunshade (or hood). Are they worth it? Let’s find out. The sunshade is just one of many accessories you can get for your Mavic. Check out my Essential DJI Mavic Pro Accessories – The Must Haves post for more information.
Are Reflections and Glare Really a Problem?
This is a subjective question. It really depends on where you’re flying. If you are indoors or flying in overcast or shaded areas then this isn’t going to be much of an issue for you however, if you’re flying on bright sunny days or well lit environments this can really be a thorn in your side.
What Can I Do to Reduce This Problem?
Depending on your particular circumstances there are a few ways to help reduce this issue:
- Fly in the shade – The lower light levels will reduce reflection and glare on the screen.
- Fly at night in low light areas – I suppose this is a possible solution but will limit you as to when you can fly.
- Change your position – How you position and hold the remote relative to the light source can also help. Angle and position of the remote relative to light sources will affect the glare and reflections apparent on your screen. One example would be blocking the light source with your body or facing the light source (if it’s low enough) and holding your device to put the light source behind and not over it.
- Consider the number of light sources – It’s easier to block a single source of light, say the sun, vs multiple sources, such as stadium lighting, etc. If you can choose a more suitable location easily it will make your experience that much better.
- Deal with it – Sure you can just say I’ll live with it but you don’t have to.
- Get a sunshade – This really is an easy and relatively inexpensive solution (depending on your choices).
Do Sunshades Really Work?
In a nutshell yes and no. In essence a sunshade simply provides a block to light sources. Depending on the intensity, angle and number of sources it may or may not work for your particular situation. A sunshade works as a blinder, blocking the light from various angles (forming a box around your display) allowing much less light to get in. For most situations there will be a noticeable difference in glare and reflections between using a sunshade and not using one.
Are They Inconvenient or Bulky?
The answer to this question is dependent on the sunshade you choose. There are several options out there. Some are hard shells that don’t break down making them bulky and difficult to travel with whereas others are a simple design that fold and are compact. Convenience is subjective as well. Do you want to clip and go or are you OK with taking your device out of the holder, sliding a sunshade on and then putting it back in. For some, time is more important than portability.
I can’t speak for everyone but I can tell you this… Getting a sunshade has reduced on-screen glare for me by at least 80% and the model I chose is lightweight, folds up into a compact flat shape that fits easily in my bag and takes only a few seconds to install, not to mention it was inexpensive. For these reasons alone I believe a Mavic Pro Sunshade is worth it. If you’re even considering a sunshade you might as well get one and see for yourself.
This is just one of many accessories I recommend. Check out my Essential DJI Mavic Pro Accessories – The Must Haves post.
Hooshion Remote Controller Phone Monitor Sunshade
If you feel I’ve missed anything, disagree with my list or have additional items you think should be included please comment below. I do review comments and, once approved, they will be visible on this post for others to see.
Thank you,
Scott Hinkle
Hi Scott,
Very great overview of Mavic Pro Sunshade. I actually have never thought that there is something like that on the market available for drones. My son owns a drone and in the summer it is a big issue to try to see where the drone is flying because of the sunlight. I will definitely consider buying him something like that. Is this only for the Pro version or it will also be suitable for Air model as well?
Thank you!
Hello Anna,
Actually the sunshade is for the device your son is using with his drone (i.e. the phone or tablet). It isn’t really associated with any specific drone. My post just lists the Mavic because this site is about all things Mavic. Your son should be able to use the sunshade for any drone. The secret is to make sure it fits his device. The link on my post takes you to an Amazon seller with many different sunshades to fit various devices.
Thanks for the comment and I hope your son enjoys his drone!
Great post, and thanks for your suggestion of adding a sunshade. We put our drones through a lot, and while they hold up well, durability is a very important factor. Do you that the Mavic Pro Sunshade is a good choice for durability or would you recommend a different product? Many thanks!
I’m not sure durability is the focus here. The sunshade is to help shade the screen of your device (phone, tablet, etc.) so that you can view it with reduced or no glare. This will allow you to see what’s on the screen instead of whatever might be reflected, etc. Most sunshades can take a beating and are pretty durable. The one I use is foldable and I’ve yet to experience any issues with it.
The Hooshion Remote Controller Phone Monitor Sunshade is a great idea for dealing with glare issues, especially outside on bright days. You mention using it with a phone or tablet. So I was wondering if it can be adjusted for different sized devices. Phones and tablets can be very different in size. I apologize if this was explained in your post. I couldn’t see it there, so figured I should ask.
Thanks for the great review. I will bookmark it for my research. 🙂
Hello Stella,
Thanks for asking. Actually the ones I’ve seen come in varying sizes. If you follow the link here in this article you’ll be taken to Amazon.com and you’ll have the option of clicking on various sizes to select the one that fits your device.
Thanks for reaching out,
Oh brother! Seeing this at first made me really question what type of person would need to buy such a thing? I mean, the concept of sunshine didn’t occur to me because anyone can allivate that by simply moving to a shader spot or using your hand, or adjusting your own phone settings, etc…. I was thinking this was made for a super duper paranoid person trying to protect their privacy while on the bus or subway? lol I don’t know! But yes, I don’t think this is a practical purchase.
Hello Sophia,
I can see your point but would argue that it is a necessary tool for drone pilots. This stems from many reasons but the most practical one I can think of is the requirement to maintain a line of sight with your aircraft at all times. Sure I could move under a tree or inside a building, etc. but that might block the view that I must maintain. Another issue is, even in the shade, reflections can be intense on shiny surfaces. A sunshade can block the sources of those reflections, giving a clearer view of the data on the screen.
I could say sure, use your hand to block the light or source or reflection, much like you would when looking toward the sun, etc. but piloting a drone is a two-hand job. Having a hood in place just makes more sense to me.
Thank you for taking the time to comment,