Autel Evo Accessories – Some Excellent Options for 2019 and Beyond
August 5, 2019I know that most of my posts center around DJI drones and the accessories, applications and so on that apply to them. Still, this site is about drones in general and, as such, I like to sprinkle in a little non-DJI related drone material when I can. Sometimes it’s how drones are being used in various industries and others it’s a review of some offer from a competitor of DJI.
To that effect, I’d like to let you know about some Autel Evo Accessories that are available. I’ll tell you a little about the Autel Evo, accessories you should consider, whether or not they need to say that they’re specifically for the Auto Evo, where to get them, and my final thoughts.
Table of Contents
Let’s get started…
What is the Autel Evo?
It’s nice to see competition in the drone world. It leads to new features and price points when two or more companies try to grab market share. In the end, that’s good news for us, the consumers.
I haven’t really seen much true competition to DJI, the current King of drones, but I have to say the Autel Evo is a pretty nice machine and it’s specs and features position it right in the middle of the current DJI consumer offerings.
I won’t go into a lot of detail here as I have a full review of the Autel Evo on this site already but I will say that it seems to offer slightly more than the original DJI Mavic series but just a hair less than the DJI Mavic 2 series and the price point is very competitive. If you don’t have a drone yet and you’re stuck in between the Mavic and Mavic 2 offerings, you might want to check out the Autel Evo. It might be the perfect fit for you…
If you’re not familiar with the Autel Evo, check out my What is the Autel Evo? – An Amazingly Capable Contender for 2019! post. You’ll get all the details and specs and even a small comparison showing how it stands up to DJI’s current lineup.
Now let’s talk accessories…
OK, What Autel Evo Accessories Should I Consider?
So, in this section, I’m going to cover products specifically designed for the Autel Evo drone. Here are a few must-have accessories to consider…
Every drone needs a place to sleep when it’s not in use. A bag, designed specifically for the drone in question, is a great place to store it and keeps everything handy in a quick, grab and go, format.
For this particular need, I recommend the Autel Robotics EVO Shoulder Bag. You can purchase the bag individually or as part of the Evo On-the-Go Bundle. It’s also available as part of the Autel Robotics EVO Drone Camera with On-The-Go Bundle if you’re in need of the actual drone too.
If a soft-sided bag isn’t enough protection for your needs or you need a waterproof solution, a hard case might be a better fit. If this is what you need, check out the Evo Hard Case. Again, this is also available as part of the AUTEL Robotics EVO Rugged Bundle, if you’re in the market for the drone as well.
One battery simply isn’t enough. If you didn’t grab one of the bundles that came with additional batteries, and even if you did, it’s never a bad idea to grab a few more. You can buy them individually or as part of the Evo On-the-Go Bundle.
Battery Charging Hub
Having extra batteries is great but charging them individually can be a pain, not to mention time-consuming. Check out the Evo Battery Charging Hub. This baby can charge 4 batteries (two at a time) saving you time and frustration.
Even if you never strike an object, your props will eventually need to be replaced. Grab a couple sets to have on-hand. It can save your flight vs having to miss out because a prop failed or has a crack in it and you don’t have a spare one with you.
Propeller Guards
At some point or another, you’re going to bump into something. With the prop guards, you may save yourself from critically damaging a prop or injuring someone, etc. These only protect from the edge/side and not from the top or bottom so it’s still possible to cause some damage. Still, it’s better than nothing and can save you a headache.
Car Charger
Now, if you’re planning on doing a lot of traveling, a car charger is a must. Sadly, it can only charge one battery at a time. If you have the battery charging hub, you’re better off getting an inverter and using that hub to charge multiple batteries at once.
Now, all the accessories listed above are made by Autel. That doesn’t necessarily mean there aren’t more out there to choose from. For example, lens filters…
Neutral Density Filters
These are must-have for anyone serious about taking video footage and still images with their drone. Think of them as sunglasses for your drone’s camera. Grab polarized ones to reduce glare and reflection. Autel has their own version but I am a huge fan of PolarPro. I recommend the Vivid Collection for the average drone pilot.
Launching/Landing Pad
If you plan on taking off from less than perfect platforms (think sand, grass, even dirty blacktop), consider getting one of these babies. They’re light, fold up into a small, easy-to-carry form factor and can save your drone from getting junk into it’s moving parts when it blows loose debris around during takeoff and landing. There are a lot to chose from and they come in varying sizes and pattern designs. In the end, you just need something that works. Here’s a great option that doesn’t cost much.
As you can see, there are a lot of accessories that will enhance your overall drone experience and that’s just the physical stuff. Don’t forget to look into your app choices too, not only for drone control but editing and so on.
Do They Need to Specify That They’re Made for the Autel Evo?
The answer is yes and no… It really depends on what the item is. If it’s an app, props, a battery, and so on, then yes, it needs to be made for the actual drone.
You don’t want to try to force something designed for a different aircraft onto yours. It can cause issues ranging from not working at all to causing loss of control or worse. Just don’t do it.
On the other hand, bags, cases, sun hoods and the like can be more generic and not drone specific.
In the end, you want a quality product that fits your needs as well as your drone. Many hard cases out there come with foam you can cut out yourself. They are a great option if you want to customize the layout of the contents, etc. Sun hoods come in a variety of designs and sizes. Find one that works best for you (or one that works for multiple drones if you have more than one, etc.).
Where Should I Get These Accessories?
There’s no shortage of places to get the drones and accessories. You can order directly from Autel, buy from you’re local hobby or electronics store (Best Buy is a great example where I am), check out you’re favorite online stores such as B&H Photo and so on.
Most of the links I provided here link to Amazon. I find that most of my viewers prefer to order from Amazon because they know what to expect and most of them are Prime members so they get free shipping too.
Many people only consider the actual drone when they think about buying one but never stop to consider all the accessories and add-ons that can make their overall experience so much more. From adding functionality and speeding up certain processes (hello battery charging) to safe and proper storage and transport, there’s a whole lot more to discover.
I know I listed a lot of things up there so here’s my top 5 items list:
- Additional Batteries – Don’t limit yourself to one flight at a time.
- Something to Store and Carry the Drone and Accessories In – Be it a hard case or a bag, you’ll love the easy grab and go option.
- Extra Props – You’re going to need them eventually. Don’t ruin a planned flight because you didn’t have a spare or two.
- Battery Charging Hub – Why make the charging time longer than it needs to be?
- Neutral Density Filters – These can make a huge difference in you’re out of the box imaging experience.
Your list may differ from mine but these are most important to me.
So, are there any Autel Evo Accessories that interest you? If so, which ones? Do you already have one of the ones listed above? I’d love to hear what you think of it. Did I miss an accessory that you think should be included in this post? What do you think of my top 5 must-haves list? Let me know by commenting below. I read each and every one.
Thank you,
Scott Hinkle
You have talked about the most important Autel Evo accessories that a drone lover most have. Your post is perfect as it relates to my son’s drone.
I will recommend and check your posts for drone-related matters. I will also be sharing this post so that friends and family can also benefit from it.
Hello There,
Thank you for taking the time to comment.
How does your son like his drone? Does he use it for any commercial work or is it more just for fun?
Thanks for sharing my posts with others!
Thank you Scott.
That’s interesting that you mention the Monopoly that DJI Has on drones. My dad said something about that once and I forgot exactly what the story was but it was kind of surprising.
That’s nice to hear that another company is competing with DJI because, if what I learned in high school about economics is true, then it’s good when there is more competition in the market.
It reminds me of something I heard about are companies that sell eyeglasses in that they are all actually owned by one bigger Corporation and that Corporation has a big Monopoly so then they get to charge as much money as they want and it’s kind of unfortunate.
I totally agree. I think DJI is pretty smart though and I don’t feel like they’re gouging the market. Still, competition is a good thing so I welcome it.
Thank you for stopping by and leaving a comment.
Hi Scott,
Great article!
I want to buy a drone and some accessories for my son’s birthday. I was hesitating between the bag and the case, but after reading your suggestion, I’ll opt for the case. I guess I will have to buy batteries too. Is it possible to know what the lifespan of a battery is? Is it rechargeable?
Another question if you don’t mind. My son is not a technical person, so I was wondering if it would be easy for him to replaces some parts of the drone if he needs to?
Thank you so much!
I don’t actually have an Autel Evo. I have the DJI Mavic Pro. That said, they should be pretty comparable when it comes to hardware life and whatnot. I bought the Fly More kit over 2 years ago and I am still using the original 3 batteries that came with it.
The batteries are rechargeable and should last quite a few cycles.
As for replacing parts, that’s where it gets sticky with these types of drones. You can find parts and swap them out if you’re so inclined but many won’t be cheap and in the end, you might be better off sending it in for repair, etc. It really depends on your level of experience and comfort.
Thank you,
Your review is excellent regarding Autel Evo Accessories. You really explained the need for them, but in your write-up, I could not see the price and if there is a warranty on them. Knowing this will give me a better grasp on things and help me to decide on what to get.
Thank you for this great and excellent article.
Hello and thank you for reaching out.
You’re right, I didn’t include pricing in this article. Most of the time I use affiliate links that include a little image and the price of the item, pulled dynamically from the seller when you view it. This time I chose slightly larger images to share and they don’t include the pricing information.
As part of my agreement with Amazon, I can’t manually enter pricing because it can change rapidly and then would be a false advertisement. You can click on the links though and be taken directly to the item and shown it’s current price.
I try to use the dynamic updating images where I can but they just didn’t fit the layout of this article well so I chose not to use them.
Thank you,
Thanks for this informative post.
As someone who shoots quality videos with friends for fun, we’re always under tight timelines and always look for companies that provide excellent support and can deliver products quickly.
Their bags and cases are lovely but I’m really interested in getting my first drone and I believe this drone would work effectively.
Yes, this drone will probably fit your needs quite well. It fits right in the pocket between the DJI Mavic series and the DJI Mavic 2 series, kind of offering a mix of both.
I can’t speak to their support level, as I’ve never had to use it but, I can tell you that I haven’t come across any complaints in the multitude of forums and groups that I am a member of.
Thanks for taking the time to comment,