Upcoming Site Enhancements – What do You Think?
June 20, 2018I’m sorry it’s been so long between posts. I have been busy in the background testing various solutions, looking for ways to enhance this site and it’s my 20th anniversary today so I’ve been planning tonight’s activities. Take a look at my ideas on upcoming site enhancements and let me know what you like, what you don’t like, what I missed, etc. This site has been growing quickly and I want to make sure the tools are in place to make it the best it can be. Please be honest, what do you think?
I have made A Call for Comments in the past, but it hasn’t seen much response as of yet.
Table of Contents
Mailing List
I’m toying with adding a mailing list to this site. It would not be sold to any 3rd parties and such but rather used to announce new articles, community announcements, alerts, new product releases and so on. I don’t yet know if I can configure an opt-in option for each category or if it’s an all or nothing type solution but I want to be able to reach out to the community when there’s something to announce.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) Feature
Most of my posts are based on answering questions posted in forums and on social media groups. There are several FAQ plugins I can choose from to enable such a Q & A type feature on this site. This would allow visitors to post questions and provide answers to other members of the community directly, in a central location, vs asking questions on one of my posts and hoping someone reads it and replies (I will, but that doesn’t mean everyone else who reads my posts will read the comments section too).
Add Video to Posts
I’ve only generated one post with videos embedded in them thus far. I believe videos that accompany a post help to enhance the viewer’s experience. It’s not always easy to convey a thought on paper. What I think I’m saying and what you read it as may vary. The addition of pictures helps to come degree but I think that adding a video showing the item, feature, steps, etc. might be more beneficial. From reviews to how-to’s I’m looking to add video to the posts as I move forward. That’s not to say every post will have video, but, many will. The only request I have in this regard is be kind… I’m no actor and, frankly, have a bit of stage fright so the whole on-camera thing is a bit outside of my comfort zone. Hopefully I’ll get over it.
Add Audio to Posts/Podcast
I’m considering creating audio files or starting a podcast and literally just reading my posts aloud. I’m not sure if anyone would find this helpful but I was thinking…so many people listen to audiobooks when exercising, driving, doing whatever, maybe they’d like to listen to drone related content. Again, the stage fright issue might creep up so we’ll see how that turns out. I’m sure just droning on with no sound effects, etc. will probably not be the way to go so I’m asking for your input on how this can be done successfully.
So these were a few things I came up with while trying to figure out how to make this site better for everyone. Do you see something here that’s perfect? So you see something here that would be a disaster? Is something missing from the list above? Can you help me to make the options the best they can be? The list above is what I have planned for upcoming site enhancements. Please let me know what you think by commenting below.
Thank you,
Scott Hinkle