I’m Back – Updates to Come – Help Me to Make This Site Truly Spectacular
May 3, 2018Well, I’m back! I’ve returned from my vacation. It’s true, I didn’t want to come home. Two weeks on the Caribbean waters sailing around, SCUBA diving and just relaxing is hard to beat.
While on vacation I thought of a couple more posts I’m working on. Like the picture above, I did type some of it up while relaxing (on a real computer of course), but, with limited internet access (and only 2G when I was able to get online), I didn’t make as much progress as I wanted to. Don’t panic, updates to come!
I see that in my absence not much has been commented on. Please help me to make this site truly spectacular. I have a few new posts in the making and will get them out some time this week and the next.
What Topics are Coming Up?
I have almost finished an article on the apps I use with my Mavic. It will cover the ones I use, why I chose them over others and how they can benefit you.
While on my vacation, another article idea popped into my mind. It will address launching and landing your drone from a boat (or other moving platform) and will also touch on nature, heavily influenced by birds, their territorial nature and how they react when your drone invades their space.
I’m toying with the idea of doing some top x comparisons and reviews (i.e. Top 5 Bags and Cases for your DJI Mavic Pro, etc.). I am thinking of writing a mini-review of each, giving them scores based on their features, pros and cons and providing links to the items on sites such as Amazon so you can read more about them, see comments and reviews posted by others and even purchase the item if you desire. This will be a new format for me so I don’t have all the details down yet. Let me know if this might be something you’d like to see or think it will offer value.
Oh, I almost forgot. I’ll be posting some images/video from my trip (both as a see how nice it was, brag and one or two blurry bird shots from the swam that came from nowhere when I flew my Mavic.
I’m trying to see if I can find a plug-in for my site that will allow users to share images and videos in a forum-type setting. This one is also outside of my current skill set so I’m doing some research before implementing it. Let me know if this interests you as well.
How Can We Get More of What We’re Looking For?
Up until now I’ve been posting on topics of interest to me or that I feel I have some knowledge to share. I’m more than happy to touch on other topics but I don’t know what you might be interested in when it comes to your drone. The way to fix that is to let me know. I encourage you to comment on my posts, what you like, what you don’t, what you think I missed and, most importantly, what you want to hear about. The more topics you show interest in, the more I can tailor this site to you, the viewers.
- I’m back.
- Updates to come.
- I’m working to expand the features of this site.
- I’m looking to you to help me make this site truly spectacular for drone enthusiasts!
Please comment below. You can say anything you want (I love it!, I hate you!, Add this., This is stupid., etc.). Ask questions, offer advice, whatever comes to mind. Through your feedback I can make this site truly awesome!
Thank you,
Scott Hinkle