Dolly Zoom Effect With Any Drone by Willie Morris – A Mini Post
August 26, 2018Hey everyone. I just wanted to share a how-to on creating the Dolly Zoom Effect With Any Drone by Willie Morris. This is very similar to the effect shown off with the DJI Mavic 2 Zoom. This one effect is what had me on the fence as to which of the new Mavic 2 models to buy, the Pro, the Zoom or both. Now that I’ve seen how easy it is to get the zoom effect in post-production, it has locked in my choice to the Pro model, which is where I was leaning toward anyway for the amazing upgraded camera.
Check out my post The DJI Mavic 2 – The New Models are Finally Here! for my thoughts, teaser videos and all the specs.
Table of Contents
How To Make DJI’s Dolly Zoom Effect with Any Drone!
You’ll be amazed at how easy this effect is to create. Check out Willie’s how-to video below:
Is That It?
That’s it! A few seconds in post-processing and BAM!, a professional effect. Just make sure you pay attention to what Willie says and that you apply this effect to in the opposite direction that the drone is moving (i.e. if the drone is moving toward the subject your effect should be zooming away and vice versa.
Thank You!
Again, a big thank you goes out to Willie for putting together a quick, yet awesome, how-to.
There you have it, a how-to on creating the Dolly Zoom Effect With Any Drone by Willie Morris. This is a first “shout out” type of post for this site. If you like it, hate it, want to see more like it, have others you think I should feature here, please let me know by commenting below.
Thank you,
Scott Hinkle
Scott, I have been checking out your website, and I am getting more and more into drone photography. Actually, it’s my sons drone, but I commandeered it. Anyway, the video on how to dolly zoom is so cool! I always wanted to know how that effect was done, and never knew you could do it outside of a studio. I can’t wait to try it out this weekend. Thank you so much for the cool tips and techniques.
I’m glad you found it useful. It was this one feature that made me consider getting the Mavic 2 Zoom. At least until I found out how easy it was to do in post-production. This little tip saved me about $1300.
Let me know if/when you use it. I’d love to see the results.
Hi Scott,
Just watched the how to vidoe by your friend Wille, please pass on to him, that he did a great job explaining how to get the effect , while keeping it short and to the point.
Now I can see the appeal of this hobby, and recording something from above gives a whole new perspective.
Great job keep up the good work!
Have a great day,
Thanks for taking the time to read my post and watch the video. It amazing the effects you can get in post-processing.
Drones have definitely made the aerial shot easier to get (within reason). As they advance in capabilities, we’ll be able to reap the rewards quicker and easier than using older solutions such as the chase plane, etc.
I liked your article, the video is very informative on how to get the Dolly effect, it was amazing. I like so much the views made with drones, but I never had a drone. I don’t really know to work with it. I hope you will be successful with the Pro model, the one you have been learning about. Well done!
Thank you. Just to be clear, the video is not mine but one I found online and shared with the community. You can actually achieve this type of effect with other solutions, not just a drone. You could use a video camera’s zoom ability and zoom in or out and then apply this technique or even move around on a vehicle (car, boat, train, etc.) and apply it.
I just love the effect and how easy it is to achieve.
Thank you for the hope of success. I’ve already made some good money with it.
Wow, that’s really interesting! The Dolly Zoom Effect is really cool and I like the fact that you can use it with any drone! I don’t have a drone currently, but have been looking to get one soon as I just love seeing aerial footage and so adding a Dolly Zoom Effect that works with any Drone is just amazing! Do you have a lot of experience using the Dolly Zoom Effect and if so, what has probably been your best drone footage because of it?
Isn’t it a great effect? Actually I don’t have much experience with it. I only played with it to test it out but haven’t used it myself for any of my production work. Did you know you don’t have to have a drone to apply this effect. Any movement toward or away from your subject can be used in this way. A simple zoom in or out on your camcorder will do it. You can also use footage from a moving vehicle, etc.
Give it a try and let me know how it works out for you if you get a chance.